Ava’s physique, temperament & zest for life never fail to amaze me 🖤
We had a busy festival season with drug detection, although one of our longer shifts never happened because the festival was cancelled on the day due to torrential rain.
We also missed a few weeks of work due to her unexpected operation.
So Ava’s been nothing but a companion recently, although she does help me with scent classes, and I always do lots of CPD to keep her busy.
I was recently open about a frustrating phase she went through after her operation whereby no amount of stimulation of any kind seemed to satisfy her, she was exhaustingly high energy, and she resorted to whinging similar to what she did constantly in her adolescence too.
Thankfully that phase seems to have passed now, although Ava is the gift that keeps on giving (this extends to offering random behaviours I’ve never taught her and/or having hilarious interactions with random objects to try to make a ball appear), so who knows what’s round the corner 😂🖤